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United Healthcare Dentist – Carrollton

Learn More About the Benefits of United Healthcare

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Your at-home dental hygiene routine is important, but even if you are the most disciplined brusher and flosser in the world, there are going to be places that you miss. This is where your regular dental cleanings and checkups come in. It is recommended that most people see a dentist every six months. Dental insurance is an excellent tool to make these routine visits affordable to you and your family. You can further reduce your out-of-pocket costs by choosing a dentist who is in-network. At Aegis Dental, we are proud to work directly with United Healthcare to maximize your benefits. Continue reading to learn more about your United Healthcare plan and what it consists of.

United Healthcare Coverage Availability & Fees

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When you get dental care from an in-network dentist, you receive a higher level of coverage. This is because we are negotiating our services and rates with the insurance company. We do everything we can to leave you with the lowest price for the services that you receive. Everyone’s plan is a little bit different, but here is what a typical United Healthcare plan may look like:

When you pay for monthly premiums, you gain access to your benefits. They are good for an entire calendar year, so you can attend your cleanings and checkups and receive lower rates on restorative treatment if needed. After you have met your annual deductible, your out-of-pocket costs will be even lower.

Meet Our Team!

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At Aegis Dental, we are constantly working with dental insurance companies, so we are familiar with the claims process and how different plans work. It is up to use to ensure that our patients get the high-quality dental care they need at the lowest possible cost. If you have questions or concerns regarding your United Healthcare plan, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We are eager to help and work to maximize your benefits.